Why JOY?

Why JOY?

My first "collection" is set to hit the Kansas City Fashion Week Runway on September 1.  I've chosen to name the collection "Joy" and each of the designs is named for a woman of distinction who has been an inspiration to me.  "Why", you ask?  Well, this summer, I've had plenty of time to reflect as the Industrial Dobby Loom was pounding along or as I was working on a tiny piece of jewelry while traveling with my family.  Sometimes the thoughts are longing for a previous time, sometimes they've been caught up in the insecurities of the future, sometimes they are a bit melancholic, other times the giggling just won't stop.

In honesty, I've realized this summer that "Joy" is a choice.  On this journey, there's been plenty of times I've chosen to let fear in or chosen to wallow in worry.  But in those same circumstances along this journey, there's also been plenty of times that I've chosen "Joy" knowing that my Lord promised to see me through.  I can even attest to not always being happy in the circumstances of life--no one else understands this, right?  But, when a song of praise comes to my mind and I can sing it even in the tough moments; that Joy is there.  I can have Joy even when happiness is absent.  So it seems fitting that my first collection in my new venture should be named "Joy".  Maybe sometime we'll talk about why it's taken me so long to get here...

"But let all who take refuge in you be glad; let them ever sing for joy. Spread your protection over them, that those who love your name may rejoice in you."  Psalm 5:11

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