Up the street from the Studio is the Phillipsburg Stuff Sale run by an energetic, fun-loving woman named Johnie. Johnie's Stuff Sale supports charities in our community while redistributing donated thrift items.
In constant rotation, Johnie keeps merchandise of all kinds sorted and rolling back out the door. She's only open on the First Weekend of the month and it's a constant stream of people checking out the newest, second-time around items. I've always thought of Johnie as the ultimate repurposer and so it seemed appropriate to name my repurposed garment after her.
It wasn't until I looked at her card to see how she spelled Johnie that the garment got its name. Johnie's real name is Johnene and I think it is beautiful just like she is. So Johnene it is for a repurposed shawl that became a wrap.
A name for the wrap certainly isn't the only thing that I've found at Johnie's Stuff Sale. It's a constant source of pieces for me to repurpose into jewelry, cast-off art supplies and pieces for organizing all the stuff that is part of my studio. We've found perfect mannequins for the store, easy chairs for the social area, and so much more. It's become a "First Friday Obsession"